In the last 45 days, I have thought a bit more about how I connect with others. So much of our world now seems to equate connection with the Internet and social media. As I traveled the byways of America, my cell phone carrier tended to fail on a regular basis. Yet, just because I was off grid, was I any less connected? How else do you and I connect? I say we were still connected on some level.

In my travels, I went retro and sent postcards to the grandkids, other family members, and friends. I was blessed to hear from my good friend Mary Love McCall. In fact, she sent me a postcard in return, sharing her travels. I'm getting ready to send the thrid set of postcards to the younger grandkids. As I write, I need to think about sending a card to the adult grandkids too.

There are many ways to make connections. So, I ask: why do we limit ourselves to the conventional and traditional communication modes? Recently, I was reintroduced to astral traveling. With practice, I can be with you, and you with me, as quickly as I can click send on my cell phone. Therefore, we are never off grid unless we want to be. Even though, I very uch value social media and will talk more about those connections in the future, I do look forward to connecting with you on another level again soon.